Civil Engineering Salary in South African Rands
Finishing the 4 years of a Bachelors’s in civil engineering in South Africa is not the most difficult part of this field. The real struggle begins when you enter the job market.
One thing that can really help in this situation is knowing the average civil engineering salary in South Africa which is ZAR 60,023 per month, before applying for any job. It will better prepare the person, and help them in setting the right expectations.
You will find all the information about this topic in the article below. It has been dedicated to discussing the average salary as well as other parts of the job as a civil engineer in South Africa. Therefore, without any more delay, let’s talk business.

Civil Engineering Salary in South Africa
Current Salary of Civil Engineering in South Africa
At the moment the average salary of a civil engineer in South Africa is R 60,023 per month. This makes the annual salary of a senior-level civil engineer R 720,278.
For entry-level positions, the salary is much lower, it is R 360,000 annually and R 30,000 per month. This salary has increased over time, as in 2020 the average salary per year was R 344,400 annually and R 28,700 per month.
If we do a quick comparison to America, the average salary of a civil engineer in the USA is $98,500 per year. It makes the monthly income around $8208. If we convert this to South African currency, it makes the annual income ZAR 1,838,866 and the average monthly income around ZAR 153,238.
Salary Levels
If you are unaware of the different levels when it comes to civil engineer salaries, then the chart below will help you. It lists all the ranks and their monthly and annual salaries.
Serial Number | Job Level | Salary per Month | Salary per Year |
1. | Junior Civil Engineer | ZAR 30,000 | ZAR 360,000 |
2. | Civil Engineer | ZAR 60,023 | ZAR 720,278 |
3. | Senior Civil Engineer | ZAR 77,500 | ZAR 930,000 |
4. | Principal Civil Engineer | ZAR 125,001 | ZAR 1,500,006 |
5. | Project Manager | ZAR 211,667 | ZAR 2,540,000 |
6. | Engineering Manager | ZAR 202,286 | ZAR 2,427,432 |
7. | Chief Engineer | ZAR 220,000 | ZAR 2,640,000 |
Professional Responsibilities
One of the major responsibilities of civil engineers in the country is that they are in charge of designing and planning infrastructure projects. From the sustainability and aesthetics to the functionality of the project, it all comes under their responsibility.
In addition to that, conducting site visits and investigations also comes under the responsibility of a civil engineer. Other aspects include quality control, construction supervision, working with architects, and conducting the maintenance and repair of different sites.
What Does the Salary of Civil Engineering Depend Upon?
The first thing that the salary of a civil engineer depends upon is his educational level. If a person has a Master’s and Ph.D. in the field, then they are bound to earn more as they will be in a higher position. On the other hand, if a person only has a Bachelor’s then he will be suited for an entry-level position which will give him a lower salary.
Moreover, previous work experience combined with the location of the job also plays a role in determining the salary of the civil engineer. Another factor that affects the salary is the company size, if the person is working at a bigger multi-national company, then they will earn more than those who are working at a start-up.
Is civil engineering worth it in South Africa?
Yes, civil engineering is one of those few fields that are worth it in South Africa. The reason behind this is that a job in civil engineering pays very well compared to jobs in other fields.
Are civil engineering salaries higher in certain regions of South Africa?
Yes, civil engineering salaries do differ according to the difference of regions across the country. Salaries in bigger cities such as Cape Town and Johannesburg are higher as compared to the smaller areas of the country.
What is the lowest salary for a Civil Engineer in South Africa?
The lowest salary for civil engineering in South Africa is ZAR 360,000 per year. This makes the monthly salary approximately ZAR 30,000.
How does education level impact civil engineering salaries?
Education is a major factor that has a direct effect on the salaries of civil engineers in South Africa. Those who have a higher level of education from reputable universities get paid more than those who have a lower level of education.
Is civil engineering in demand in South Africa?
Yes, civil engineering is one of those professions that are high in demand in South Africa. Therefore, if you are thinking about picking a field, then you should consider this as it is one of the high-paying ones as well.
Is there a difference in salaries between the government sector and private sector civil engineers?
Yes, there is a difference in salaries between the government sector and private sector civil engineers. Those who are working in the private sector tend to make more money per month as compared to those who are working in the government sector.
What is the salary difference between junior and senior civil engineers?
A junior civil engineer is an entry-level job; therefore, it pays a maximum of ZAR 360,000 per year. This makes the monthly income around ZAR 30,000. On the other hand, a senior-level civil engineer can easily make around ZAR 600,000 per year, making his monthly salary ZAR 50,000.
Can civil engineers expect salary increases over time?
Yes, a person who is working as a junior civil engineer will see a difference in his salary with time. As he gains more experience, he will get promoted which will result in an increase in his monthly salary. Moreover, he can also start working at a different company which will pay more due to experience.
How long does it take to become a Civil Engineer in South Africa?
To become a civil engineer in South Africa, the person needs to complete a Bachelor’s degree. The Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering takes 4 years to complete.
If you belong to a group of people who are completely unaware of the salary of their field, Civil Engineering, then you, my friend are a fool. Read the article above to find out about the civil engineering salary in South Africa, so that you can make an informed decision more easily.