Drone Pilot Salary in South Africa
In the past, a group of people used to hang on helicopters with big cameras to capture moments, but now the job has shifted from all those people to drone pilots, and the profession is emerging like a fire in the jungle. It raises concerns about how much a drone pilot earns, but the job does not seem difficult, so the average income of a drone pilot in South Africa is R34,712.
Drone Pilot Salary South Africa

A drone pilot is an expert in controlling drone planes via a remote controller; apparently, the job does not seem challenging, but there are different complexities involved. That’s why an average drone pilot gets R416.537 annually and receives a bonus of R10,663 every year. Whereas the salary of a drone pilot in the United States is $5,667 per month, depending upon the type of job.
According to the Economic Research Institute, the income of drone pilots has increased in the past few years and will increase in the future. That is because of the complexities plus new inventions in the drone machines, which make it hard to fly a drone. Basically, they are not only used for capturing pictures and videos of the wedding but there is a list of professions related to drones.
The South African army and other forces use drones for surveillance, plus for keeping an eye on the terrorists. In the seas, drones are used for identifying threats, and for construction, one can use drones to create 3D models of buildings. On the other hand, it is used for package delivery, to rescue people, and to inquire about infrastructure maintenance.
The exciting part is that the salary of drone pilots is based on their qualifications and experience. For example, the entry-level drone pilot expert gets R25,298, the mid-level has R35,274, and the senior drone pilot receives R46,736. It may vary according to the location and the field; for example, in the army, one receives more, whereas the salary is less for capturing wedding pictures.
Entry Level | R25, 298, |
Mid Level | R35,274 |
Senior Level | R46,736 |
3 Major Responsibilities of Drone Pilot
Operating Flight
The first thing a drone pilot should do is to check the drone before launching it into the air. Furthermore, plan the flight, from the starting point to the destination, and design strategies one will use to run the drone. Then comes how to take off safely, for this drone pilot inspects the parts of the drone, controllers, and the other related machinery.
Gathering Data
The basic purpose of a drone is to gather data from different points in the air; for example, if you are using a drone to study the development of a building, you need clear pictures to understand it. Plus, one needs clear pictures of the sensitive points of the building to gather information. The drone pilot is responsible for controlling the drone and capturing data, then analyzing it.
The last is to ensure the safety of the flight, drone, and the people around it. Although a drone is a delicate machine that cannot hurt people, sometimes it can cause major injuries if you come into contact with a crashed drone.
Plus, drone pilots should follow the rules and regulations and not invade the privacy of people. The last is to design a risk assessment chart and eliminate the chances of accidents to happen.
Factors That Affect The Salary Of Drone Pilot
- Qualification: When you are interviewed for a drone pilot job, they ask about your qualifications. People with postgraduate and doctoral degrees get more salary as compared to the graduates.
- Location: In case you are in the main cities of the country, such as Cape Town or Johannesburg, the salary is high as compared to the backward areas of the country.
- Industry: The salary also depends upon where you work. For example, if you are in a military organization, the salary is high as compared to other sectors.
What does a drone pilot need?
The drone pilot is required to be 16 years of age, able to speak, write, and read, plus mentally and physically ready to fly drones.
Do drone pilots use problem-solving?
Yes, drone pilots use problem-solving tactics to fly the machine.
Do drone pilots have to be officers?
In the Air Force, drone pilots are known as officers.
What makes a good drone pilot?
A good drone pilot is one who knows the consequences of one’s actions.
What is a drone pilot called?
A drone pilot is called a remote pilot.
The salary of a profession always indicates its toughness and a drone pilot’s salary shows that the job is very hard. There is no doubt drones are a bit difficult to use, but once you practice, nothing can stop you from becoming the best drone pilot in the industry. Well, the salary depends upon your experience, so gain more experience and get a high salary.