Gwede Mantashe Salary in Rands & Net Worth
If you want to know everything about Gwede Mantashe salary, net worth, educational background, wife, properties, and cars then you have landed on the best page because here all your questions are going to be answered. Of course, looking into the personal life of Gwede Mantashe was not an easy job since he is a super private person. In simple words, he does not want to let people know what he has been up to and how much wealth he has accumulated in all these years.
However, I took it upon myself to deploy spies and reach out to the people close to him so that I could pick up tidbits on his personal life and tell you about it. And I did indeed succeed to find close information that I am about to explain down below. So, if you want to know more then keep on reading the following article.

About Gwede Mantashe
Gwede Mantashe was born on 21 June 1955 in Cala, Cape Province, Union of South Africa. As of today, he is sixty-eight years old and an active politician. In addition to that, Gwede is a former trade unionist and currently working as the Minister of Mineral Resources in South Africa.
He worked as a General Secretary at the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1998 to 2006. After that, he assumed the role of Secretary General at the African National Congress (ANC) from 2007 to 2017. From 2018 onwards till date, Gwede Mantashe is serving as the Minister of Mineral Resources.
Monthly Salary in ZAR
As of 2023, the income and salary of the popular politician Gwede Mantashe is not up for public knowledge. I guess he is one of those politicians who prefer not to declare their income. One of the reasons why they like to keep their income hidden is to evade tax easily.
If they can shield their income source from the tax authorities, they have a far better chance of evading tax. Letting people get a hit if how much money you make only makes you more susceptible to tax scrutiny. Now, I am not saying that Gwede Mantashe is a tax thief, I am just saying that it could be the reason why he wants to keep his income a secret.
However, it is safe to assume that Gwade earns a very high monthly income owing to all the top positions that he has assumed in all these years. He is bound to have amassed a fortune from having served various ministries consecutively for so many years.
Net Worth Of Gwede Mantashe
Just as the income and salary of Gwade Mantashe are not known, his overall net worth is also a total secret. However, he is bound to be an extremely wealthy man since he has been working for so many years, and that too in all the top offices. I am sure he is worth a minimum of $5 million.
However, we do know that Gwede Mantashe owns various expensive plots and properties all over South Africa. He is also known to have a collection of cars and rare artifacts. Considering all this, Gwede is worth quite a large fortune!
House Of Gwede Mantashe
Information regarding the properties owned by Gwade Mantashe was also kept a secret until only recently. Media started putting allegations about Gwede Mantashe that he made restorations on several of his houses out of the government treasury. It was said that the cost of those restorations was about R300,000.
There was an uproar amongst the media and people were furious with him for using public funds for personal benefits. So, in order to clear those rumors and settle down the havoc that resulted from those revelations, Gwede had to provide a list of all his properties and also invited the media to his house in Boksburg in the east of Johannesburg.
However, it is still not proof enough that Gwede declared all his properties on the list. It is absolutely possible that he declared only half or a few of his properties and still kept the others in the dark.
But then, there is no proof of that either. So, we are just going to assume that the list he provided is complete and factual until some other revelations are made contradicting it.
Cars Of Gwede Mantashe
The same goes for the cars Gwede Mantashe owns. There is no evidence of any expensive cars that he might own. He has not yet shared anything in his media talks or social media accounts regarding any luxurious vehicle that he might possess.
So, there is absolutely no information on whether he has even the slightest bit of interest in buying comfort vehicles and he is definitely not the kind of a person to show off his worldly possessions. It is definitely possible that he owns a garage full of sports cars secretly tucked away. God knows he can afford such luxuries considering how long he has been serving as a government official in important positions and ministries.
But let’s not rule out the possibility of Gwerne having a secret stash of expensive vehicles in his properties. I will keep looking for more information regarding this matter.
Educational Background Check
Gwede Mantashe is also an adequately educated individual. His early education is not a matter of public record however, I do know where he received his higher education from. In fact, he has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).
Other than that, Gwede also has a Masters’s degree from the University of Witwatersrand (WITS). Speaking about the years in which he obtained his degrees, he pursued a bachelor’s honors degree back in 1997 but had to drop out due to reasons not known.
However, he went back to complete his course and get his degree five years later in the year 2002. Later on, about six years later, he got his master’s degree. So, it is obvious that he did not have a very smooth educational path with a lot of time gap but at least he completed his studies.
Accomplishments of Gwede Mantashe
It is obvious that the life of Gwede Mantashe has been filled with accomplishments and qualifications. He had worked continuously in top government institutes and that too at very important positions. Some of his positions and accomplishments are stated down below.
- The Secretary-General of the National Union of Mineworkers
- Part of the board of Directors of Samancor, a JSE Limited-listed company
- Chairperson of the Technical Working Group of the Joint Initiative for Priority Skills Acquisition (Jipsa)
- Chairperson of the South African Communist Party
- A member of the Politburo of the South African Communist Party
How much is the net worth of Gwade Mantashe?
The net worth of Gwade Mantashe is not yet known to the public. This is because Gwade does not see it fit to reveal his income source, his net wealth accumulation, and practically any detail that might indicate that he is a rich man.
Is Gwade Mantashe an educated man?
Yes, Gwade Mantashe is an adequately educated man. Information relating to his early life and education is not yet known; however, his higher educational record is a matter of public record. He got his Bachelor in Commerce degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA) and a Master’s degree from the University of Witwatersrand (WITS).
So, this was all from my aide and I hope you all enjoyed reading through this highly informative article. I tried my best to provide you with all the information that my sources could gather after intensive research on Gwede Mantashe. Although I will admit that Gwede is a very hard man to spy on, I did indeed find some fascinating facts about him that were not in public knowledge.
In any case, I would like to sum up this entire discussion by answering your original question about his income, salary, and net worth. Gwede does not think it necessary to declare his monthly or yearly income. However, there are certain other things that I discussed above relating to his properties, cars, and educational background that you might be interested in.