Nurse Salary in South Africa (Govt & Private) All Levels
No matter which profession you are about to enter in South Africa, it is advised to know all about the salary structure beforehand. It really comes in handy. The same is the case for nurses.
Knowing the income structure and the conditions affecting the nurses’ salary in South Africa will help a person set the right expectations. Moreover, it will also prepare them for the future as they will know exactly how much they should be paid which is ZAR 33,428 as a registered nurse.
For your ease and comfort, every bit of information about Nurse Salaries in South Africa (Govt & Private) has been shared in the article below. You will find all the information given below very helpful in making the right career decision.

Nurse Salary in South Africa (Govt & Private)
If a registered nurse starts to work in South Africa, her salary will be around ZAR 264,000 per year. This makes her monthly salary ZAR 22,000. With experience, the nursing salary in South Africa goes up to ZAR 33,428 on average.
This salary has increased over the years as it was ZAR 17,564 in 2020 and in 2021, they got a 1.5% increase along with a monthly stipend. In 2022, the government increased their salaries by 3% and offered them a stipend.
If we do a quick comparison to American salaries, in the US a registered nurse earns approximately $82,750 per year. This makes her salary ZAR 1,557,508 per year and ZAR 129,792 per month.
Salary Levels of Nurses
Serial Number | Post and Grade | Salary Level | Monthly Salary | Annual Salary |
1. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 1 | ZAR 21,730 | ZAR 260,760 |
2. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 2 | ZAR 22,381 | ZAR 268,575 |
3. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 3 | ZAR 23,053 | ZAR 276,642 |
4. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 4 | ZAR 23,745.5 | ZAR 284,946 |
5. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 5 | ZAR 24,457 | ZAR 293,487 |
6. | Professional Nurse Grade 1 | Level 6 | ZAR 25,191 | ZAR 302,292 |
7. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 1 | ZAR 26,725 | ZAR 320,703 |
8. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 2 | ZAR 27,277 | ZAR 327,234 |
9. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 3 | ZAR 28,087 | ZAR 337,047 |
10. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 4 | ZAR 28,930 | ZAR 347,163 |
11. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 5 | ZAR 29,798 | ZAR 357,579 |
12. | Professional Nurse Grade 2 | Level 6 | ZAR 30,692 | ZAR 368,307 |
13. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 1 | ZAR 32,414 | ZAR 388,974 |
14. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 2 | ZAR 33,387 | ZAR 400,647 |
15. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 3 | ZAR 34,390 | ZAR 412,680 |
16. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 4 | ZAR 35,421 | ZAR 425,055 |
17. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 5 | ZAR 36,483 | ZAR 437,805 |
18. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 6 | ZAR 37,578 | ZAR 450,939 |
19. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 7 | ZAR 38,720 | ZAR 464,469 |
20. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 8 | ZAR 39,867 | ZAR 478,404 |
21. | Professional Nurse Grade 3 | Level 9 | ZAR 41,063 | ZAR 492,756 |
Professional Responsibilities
The professional responsibility of a nurse in South Africa includes patient care primarily. From the physical to emotional needs of patients, it all comes under the responsibility of a nurse.
They are also responsible for educating patients and their families about medication and treatment as well as how to prevent different diseases. Their responsibilities also include keeping the doctors updated about the condition of the patients.
What Does The Salary of a Nurse Depend Upon?
There are a few factors that the salary of a nurse depends upon. The first is her educational level. Then comes the location of her job, her previous work experience, and her ranking level at the job. If a nurse is working in urban parts of South Africa in a private hospital, she will make more than one who is working in a government hospital in a rural area.
Another factor that the salaries of a nurse depend upon is the amount declared by the government, especially in state-funded institutes. If the government does not increase the salary of nurses, then the institute will not increase it as well. Similarly, when there is an increase by the government, the institute has to increase the paramedic’s salary.
How much does a private hospital nurse earn in South Africa?
A private hospital nurse earns an average of ZAR 330,000 per year at a higher position. If the nurse is in an entry-level position in the hospital, she will make approximately ZAR 240,000 per year.
What is the salary of a staff nurse in South Africa?
The salary of a staff nurse in South Africa starts from ZAR 179,172 which makes her monthly salary ZAR 14,931. Staff nurses in the country can earn a maximum of ZAR 311,361 per year and ZAR 25,946 per month.
Which hospital pays nurses the most in South Africa?
The hospitals that pay registered nurses the most in South Africa include Tripod Partners paying ZAR 59,059 per month. The list also includes NHS Professionals paying ZAR 42,569 per month and Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust paying the nurses ZAR 38,107 each month.
How does the salary of a private-sector nurse compare to that of a government nurse in South Africa?
Those nurses who are working in the private sector in South Africa have a higher income than government nurse salaries in South Africa. Even with years of experience, those working in government institutes do not earn nearly as much as the nurses working in private institutes.
What factors influence nurse salaries in South Africa?
There are many factors that influence the salary of nurses in South Africa. At the top of the list are the previous experience of the nurse, their educational level, their area of specialization, the location of their job, and whether they are working in private or government institutes.
Do South African nurses receive additional benefits along with their salaries?
Yes, South African nurses do receive additional benefits along with their monthly salaries. They receive leave allowances and medical insurance, and their employers also contribute to the preservation fund and the provident fund.
How much does a staff nurse earn near Johannesburg?
The staff nurse who works near Johannesburg earns more than average. They make an annual income of ZAR 338,937 which makes their monthly income nearly ZAR 28244.
What is the salary of an entry-level nurse in South Africa?
An entry-level nurse in South Africa makes approximately ZAR 264,000 per year. This makes her monthly salary almost ZAR 22,000. It increases with time when she gains more experience in the field.
Spending years studying in the field of medicine is not the only struggle that nurses in South Africa face. They also have to go through the pain of working for hours only to receive a meager amount of salary.
However, there are many factors that affect the paramedic’s salary in South Africa. The article above discusses the nurse salary in South Africa, both government and private in detail.