Grant for Old Age | SASSA Pension Online Application Guide
The South African government has introduced a grant for the senior citizens of the country, which aims to take care of their financial needs and dignity.
This grant is called a Grant for old age; however, it was previously known as Old Age Pension. To ensure you receive your benefits, it’s important to regularly monitor your SASSA status check. Furthermore, this Grant is the government’s way of thanking the elderly for their contribution and services to the country.
Grant for old age is given to those people who are over the age of 60 and above, residing within the country’s borders. Likewise, it has proper eligibility criteria, which must be met, and the grant amount depends on the beneficiary’s age. So, allow me to explain the eligibility criteria, requirements, application process, and more about the SASSA Grant for old age.

Grant for Old Age
South Africa is known for its rich history and culture, which is why they emphasize so much on the well-being of the senior citizens. Retired people cannot provide for themselves because, at this age, it becomes very hard to do a regular job. Therefore, the government decided to provide them with financial security so that they could carry out their day-to-day activities without worrying about money.
Additionally, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is known for its grants and loans to help financially weak citizens. Likewise, SASSA pensions provide a monthly allowance to elderly people so they can have something to rely on at the end of the month. Moreover, the amount of the grant money increases with age.
As of 1 April 2023, if you are between 60 to 74 years old, you will receive R2080 per month. Similarly, if you are 75 or above, your monthly grant for old age per person will be R2100. Furthermore, from 1 October 2023, this grant might increase R10, making it R2090 and R2110 per month, respectively.
Eligibility Criteria for Old Age Grant
Like every other grant, SASSA’s Grant for old age also has eligibility criteria, which puts some restrictions on who can apply for the grant. The eligibility criteria are strict to ensure that the people who genuinely need help can get it. So, read the following points thoroughly to determine if you or your loved ones are eligible for this grant.
- First and foremost, you must be either a permanent resident, a citizen of South Africa, or a refugee.
- To receive the Grant for old age, you must be above 60 years old.
- You will not be eligible if you receive any other social grant.
- You must be living within the borders of South Africa.
- The applicant must not be under state institution care like state old age homes, rehabilitation centers, or prisons.
- Lastly, you need to meet the mean test.
Grant for Old Age Mean Test
There is a test designed by SASSA to check your assets and income for social grants eligibility. Therefore, you must calculate your income and assets and check if it lies under a certain limit set by SASSA. So, let me help you by sharing the latest mean test limit as of 1 April 2023.
Understanding Asset Threshold
The asset threshold is crucial as it guarantees that people who do not have substantial financial resources to support them during Grant for old age can receive it. Therefore, if you are a single applicant, your total assets value should be less than R1372800. However, married applicants have a higher threshold of R2745600 collectively.
Additionally, these assets include properties, investments, savings, vehicles, and other valuable possessions. So, calculate your possessions and apply because you must submit proof of everything you own.
Understanding Income Threshold
Your total income per year also determines your eligibility for this grant. For instance, if you are single, you must not earn more than R96840 per year. Likewise, if you are married, your income should collectively not exceed R193680 per year.
Furthermore, the income sources include salaries, pensions, rental income, and other ways to earn money. You will be required to provide proof of your income during the application process.
Gather the Required Documents
When applying for a SASSA pension, you must provide some documents that SASSA will use as proof of your eligibility. If you are applying online, you will have to scan these documents; however, you can submit a hard copy of each document if you are applying at the SASSA office. So, compile the following documents beforehand.
- You must have your South African Identity Document (ID). However, if you do not own one, submit an affidavit by filling it in front of a Commissioner of Oaths (not a SASSA official) to prove your personal information.
- Your refugee status permit and 13-digit refugee ID will be required if you are a refugee.
- Proof of your marital status. For instance, if you are currently married, you must show your marriage certificate; if you are divorced, then a divorce order. Likewise, if your spouse died within the last five years, you must bring a copy of their death certificate, will, and the first and last liquidation and distribution account.
- A proof of your and your partner’s income, if applicable.
- Proof of your and your partner’s assets, if applicable.
- Bank statement of last three months.
- If you were employed before, an Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) or discharge certificate from your previous job.
- If you are receiving any private pension, you must show proof.
- A proof of your residence.
- Your fingerprints are also required at the SASSA office.
SASSA Pension Online Application Process
There are two methods through which you can apply for SASSA old age grant. If you cannot visit the SASSA office due to an illness or old age, you can apply online through the SASSA official website. So, let me guide you on how to apply for a SASSA pension online.
1. Apply Online through SASSA Website
- First, open SASSA’s official website on your device by searching it in your search engine.
- Next, click ‘grants’ to access the list of grants available.
- Then, click ‘old age grant’ and register yourself by creating an account before applying.
- Afterward, open the form and fill it out carefully, then upload all the documents; revise the form and documents one last time to ensure they are correct.
- Lastly, press the ‘submit’ tab to complete the application process.
2. Apply at SASSA Office
If you cannot apply through the online method, you need to visit the SASSA office. Furthermore, if you cannot visit the office due to an illness, your family and friends can go on your behalf. However, they must take a formal letter from you and your doctor’s note that can prove the reason for your absence.
At the office, the SASSA officials will interview you and guide and assist you during the application process. They can even help you with filling out the form. Furthermore, after you apply, you will receive a stamped receipt; keep it with you for future needs as proof of your application.
Additionally, you will not be charged during the SASSA old age pension application process. Therefore, report them to the authority if they ask you for money. Furthermore, take all the documents with you to avoid any inconvenience, and if you are accepted for this grant, you will receive a written letter.
SASSA Old Age Grant Application Results
You will get the results of your application within three months of application. Similarly, you will be informed in writing if selected for the grant.
Moreover, if your application is rejected, you will still get a written letter with the reason for your rejection. Likewise, you can apply again for reconsideration after your application is rejected. If SASSA rejects you again and you feel you are wrongly rejected, you can write to the Minister of Social Development to appeal the decision; however, you must appeal for reconsideration within 90 days of getting a written rejection note/letter from SASSA.
Old Age Grant Payment Method
Once your grant is approved, you will need to select a payment method to receive your funding. Furthermore, you can choose any payment method from the following three options.
- Receive your grant from a specific institution like an old age home etc.
- Collect your grant from a pay point in cash.
- Directly receive it into your bank account.
You can switch your payment method through the Welfare office and nominate someone else to receive money for you if you can’t. Additionally, you must provide some documents if you choose to receive your grant money in your bank account. These are the documents you need to have;
- A consent form for bank payment of SASSA grant.
- Proof of your identity in the form of an ID document, driver’s license, or birth certificate.
- A proof of your bank account in the form of a three months bank statement with your name and account number.
Grant Beneficiaries’ Review
SASSA holds regular reviews to evaluate if the beneficiaries still meet the criteria. The grant holders usually receive a notification three months prior to the review. Moreover, the notification will also include the time and venue for the review.
Likewise, if you cannot visit any place outside your house, your review will take place at your house, and the SASSA officials will visit you personally. Refugees will be reviewed after the expiration of their refugee status. Furthermore, applicants receive a receipt of the review after its completion, so keep it safe as proof of your review.
These reviews are crucial because they determine if you are still eligible for the grant. It ensures that the grant reaches only the deserving people. So, if any changes in your assets, income, address, or contact details occur, update it regularly and cooperate with SASSA officials.
Reasons for Grant Suspension and Lapse
If your grant is suspended and you are wondering about its reason, it might be due to one of the following reasons; if not, appeal for grant restoration.
- Changes occurred in your financial circumstances, and your income increased.
- The information you provided during the application was found to be incorrect.
- Your review showed you are not eligible anymore; it might be because you did not cooperate with the review team.
- You were wrongly approved for the grant.
The grant will lapse if the beneficiary;
- Is dead
- Moved to a state-funded institution.
- Moved to another country.
- No longer meets the mean test.
- Has not claimed the fund for the last three months.
SASSA Old Age Grant Latest Payment Date
The Old Age Grant is usually disbursed at the start of a month. For instance, your grant for old page in every month will be available after the fourth date of that month.
If you do not want any inconvenience or delay in your grant money, it is suggested to update your bank information regularly. Even though the grant will be disbursed and available from the second date of the month, rushing towards the pay points and banks is discouraged to avoid any nuisance. Moreover, the money will remain in your account, and you can claim it anytime.
SASSA Contact Information
If you still have any ambiguity regarding the SASSA old age grant, you can contact SASSA directly to clear up your confusion. So, the following is the contact information.
- SASSA toll-free Number: 0800 60 10 11
- SASSA head office number: 012 400 2322
- SASSA head office email address: [email protected]
How long does the SASSA old age grant take?
SASSA takes up to three months to process your old-age grant application. However, once the grant is approved, you will receive grants from the day you applied for it. So, you will collect grants for all the months SASSA took to accept your application.
Does SASSA pay the o grant for old age in the month the beneficiary dies?
Yes, SASSA pays the old age grant money for the month in which the beneficiary dies for the funeral expenses. However, after the death certificate is issued, it will lapse (usually from the next month).
In short, SASSA pays a monthly allowance of R2080 to senior citizens aged 60 to 74 and R2100 to those 75 or above. Furthermore, this grant provides financial protection to senior citizens not admitted to the state institution. Likewise, SASSA has given maximum flexibility in the application process; if you cannot do it yourself, you can nominate another person to apply and collect funds on your behalf.