How to buy Airtime with Sassa card on my Phone?
SASSA provides social and financial services to African nationals. The agency provides a SASSA card that you can use to access the money in your SASSA account. This card looks similar to your bank card and can be used for multiple payments including Airtime. If you want to know how to buy airtime with SASSA card on my phone, scroll down!

Airtime offers you services like mobile data, calling, and messages, so you need to add balance to it right? There are many methods for payment available in Airtime online, but you’ll be amazed to know that you can also pay or top up the airtime wallet using your SASSA card.
Step-by-Step Process to do Airtime Payment Through SASSA Card
As I said earlier, the SASSA is providing multiple financial and social benefits, so you can use the amount credited by SASSA for communication as well.
Step 1
In the first step, submit the application form that you can get online. Take a printout, fill out the state, and submit it to the posted bank nearby; you’ll receive a submission message that assures that your application form is being submitted for further processing. Once your application form submission is confirmed, you are eligible for registration.
Step 2
In the registration, you’ll need to log in to your account. If you don’t have an existing account, you can sign up and create one by entering your personal information.
The most important entry you need to make for the registration is your eleven-digit account number. After filling in all the required fields, set the password, which you can use afterward for quick login.
Step 3
As far as the password is concerned, I want to add something that this account is not like your random Instagram account, therefore, you should choose a strong password with at least one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and any symbol.
Once you set the password and create an account, please write and save the password somewhere in your notes or folder that is only accessible to you. Please don’t take this easy and always keep your account password confidential.
Step 4
As I said before, this account should be highly secured as it contains personal information of the user like bank details, address, identity, etc. Therefore, to protect the data, some questions are added that you will be required to answer in the future.
Don’t worry, you don’t need to answer these security questions every time you log in, but if the system observes some unusual activity, it will automatically ask you the questions and you need to put the same answer.
Step 5
In case you are wondering if a user can forget the pin or password, what would happen then? Don’t sweat it out! Your account will not get terminated as all the data and information is preserved in the datasets and you can get this issue resolved.
When a user forgets the password, he needs to add the identification number for his verification in the first place and after that, he needs to set a new password. The system may also ask you some security questions that you chose when creating the account for the first time.
After your account is set up completely, you can buy airtime using the card information you added effortlessly.
Overall, the process is simple and easygoing even for users who are not technology oriented. However, it is highly suggested to keep your account information safe and write it on notes for your help.
Can I buy airtime using a SASSA card?
Yes, you can buy Airtime using a SASSA card. The process, however, includes registration, approval, and other formal proceedings. The SASSA card works exactly like your regular bank card, and you need to add the details of this card in the top-up section after your card is approved for external transactions like Airtime, billing, loans, and so forth.
How do I buy airtime with my SASSA card on my phone?
The easiest and quickest way to buy Airtime using your SASSA card on the mobile phone is to dial *130*4444#. After dialling, enter the required details that you’ve been asked on the call/message and you’re done. Otherwise, on the smartphone, you can also use applications for the same purpose and enter details like your SASSA bank account number and more.
How can I check my SASSA balance without airtime?
You can check the SASSA balance through WhatsApp using your mobile phone. Send “SASSA” to SASSA’s WhatsApp number which is “082 046 8553, and reply to the system-generated message with “STATUS”. They will ask for the reference number, so reply “YES” if you have one. Please make sure to reply with your registered mobile number.
Can I transfer money from the SASSA card to the bank account?
Yes, you can transfer money to your bank account from your registered SASSA account by filling out the form. The bank form is available in the SASSA Annexure C. You can download the bank form online as well as you can get it from any nearby SASSA office.
Does SASSA money expire if not withdrawn?
Once you have accessed or withdrawn your SASSA money, it is evident that it can’t be reversed. But, in case you have not withdrawn the money for some reason, you can collect it later at any stage. The system can pick the money if the withdrawal is prolonged unusually and in that scenario, you need to request the reversal of SASSA money.
The Bottom Line
SASSA is a recognized government agency in Africa that has served millions of nationals over years. It provides many types of financial and social services and helps citizens in combating daily-life challenges. SASSA provides grants to deserving nationals, and people can use this grant amount for many purposes including Airtime through a bank card. In this blog, I have discussed a step-wise guide to how to buy airtime with a SASSA card on your phone, so don’t forget to check it out.