How to fill Salary Schedule Form of UIF? (8 Easy Steps)
The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) is a government-run program that provides short-term financial relief to workers who have lost their jobs or have been unable to work due to certain qualifying events. This article will discuss how to fill out the UIF salary schedule form in detail for those who have yet to learn how the salary schedule form is filled.

One of the key requirements for employers in South Africa is to register with the UIF and pay contributions on behalf of their employees. As part of the registration process, employers are required to fill out and submit the UIF salary schedule form. We will explain it in detail for your guidance. So here you go.
One of the obligations of employers is to submit a salary schedule form to the UIF every month. No worries if you need help filling out the salary schedule form. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how I fill out the UIF salary schedule form. So follow my lead.
1. Get the UIF Salary Schedule Form
The first step in filling out the UIF salary schedule form is to get the form. I prefer getting it from the official website of the UIF, but it can be obtained from the nearest labour center.
The form is available in both PDF and Excel formats. Employers can choose to use either format depending on their preference. Moreover, the form can be downloaded and printed or completed online. The choice is yours.
2. Fill in the Employer Details
After getting the form, start filling in the information. The first section of the UIF salary schedule form requires the employer to fill in their details. I fill mine and you can fill yours which includes the employer’s name, address, contact details, and UIF reference number. The UIF reference number is a unique number assigned to each employer when they register with the UIF.
3. Provide Employee Details
The second section of the UIF salary schedule form requires the employer to fill in the details of their employees. I fill this for each employee of mine and you have to do the same. This includes your employee’s name, ID number, employment start date, and monthly salary. The employer should ensure that the details are accurate and up-to-date.
4. Calculate the UIF Contributions
The third section of the UIF salary schedule form requires the employer to calculate the UIF contributions for each employee. The UIF contribution is calculated as a percentage of the employee’s monthly salary. Currently, the UIF contribution rate is 1% for both the employer and the employee.
To calculate the UIF contributions, the employer should multiply the employee’s monthly salary by 1% and enter the result in the UIF contribution column of the form. As I have hundreds of employees which makes it difficult for me to calculate each employee’s UIF contribution myself so I take help from my secretary to make a rough draft of salary contribution of each employee. If you can manage it single handedly you can do it yourself too.
5. Calculate the SDL Contributions
The fourth section of the UIF salary schedule form requires the employer to calculate each employee’s Skills Development Levy (SDL) contributions. The SDL contribution is calculated as a percentage of the employee’s monthly salary. Currently, the SDL contribution rate is 1% for employers with a payroll of less than R500,000 and 1.5% for employers with a payroll of more than R500,000.
This is how I calculate the SDL contributions. Multiply the employee’s monthly salary by the applicable SDL contribution rate and enter the result in the SDL contribution column of the form.
6. Total the Contributions
The fifth section of the UIF salary schedule form requires the employer to total all employees’ UIF and SDL contributions. The employer should enter the total amount in the Total column of the form.
7. Important Details of UIF Salary Schedule
Here’s a short list of important details that should be added to the form, and you should not submit your UIF salary schedule form without these. These include
- Mention month and year.
- Monthly salary.
- Working hours per month.
- If you are a contributor or not.
- Date of submission.
- Signature.
8. Submit the Form
Congratulations, you are at the last step now. After completing the UIF salary schedule form employers should submit the form and make the necessary payments to the UIF and SDL. The payments should be made on or before the 7th of each month. I fill out the form online so I can directly submit it on the website, but those who have printed it should submit it to the department of labor.
If you carefully follow all the steps in my guide, filling out the salary schedule form won’t be a problem for you. I always follow these steps, and this task now only takes a few minutes for me. I am positive now you will no longer struggle to fill out the salary schedule form.
Filling out the UIF salary schedule form is a simple process that requires the employer to provide accurate details of their employees and calculate the UIF and SDL contributions. By submitting the form and making the necessary payments, employers can ensure that their employees are covered by the UIF and have access to temporary relief in case of unemployment or illness.
Also, we wrote a guide to cancel the UIF, do check that out if you are willing to withdraw from UIF.
Final Words
UIF is a commendable relief fund for the working residents of South Africa. Those who can not continue their work for some illness or any mishap can take this grant as financial support for a short period. We have covered every little detail about it so you can know how to fill out the salary schedule form without taking help from anyone. I hope you find the content of our article helpful. Thank you for reading.