How to Get NSFAS Confirmation Letter? | SASSA & Loans
Hundreds of students in South Africa can now pursue education successfully through NSFAS. NSFAS provides funds to 26 different universities and 50 different TVET colleges making it possible for many students to avail of this opportunity. Many students apply for the NSFAS program but they are unaware that whether their application is accepted or not.

Sometimes the application is approved but people still wait for their confirmation letter. Once you know that your application is approved you need to collect your confirmation letter for further procedure. Well, in this article, I will tell you how to get an NSFAS confirmation letter after your application has been accepted by the institution. Read the article carefully so that you do not miss any point related to the NSFAS confirmation letter in order to avail the opportunity.
What Is NSFAS Confirmation Letter?
Thousands of students apply for the NSFAS program but only some get the advantage to avail of the chance. Many people get confused and waste their time in order to wait for the confirmation letter. Well, you should clear up the confusion before it gets too late. If your NSFAS application has been approved then this means that you are eligible for this program.
Only qualified students get this scholarship and they are selected because of their good grades. Well, if you are already selected and waiting for the approval message then you should read the article in order to get your approval letter. In this article, I will tell you the procedure for how to get an NSFAS confirmation letter in order to get admission to the required university or college.
NSFAS confirmation letter basically gives approval that they will give funds to the required university or college that you have applied to. NSFAS funding letter allocates allowances for your books, tuition fee, accommodation, registration, and transport, and fulfills other students’ needs.
Once your NSFAS letter is approved and you get the confirmation letter then this means that you get access to NSFAS allowances.
Requirement for NSFAS Confirmation Letter
Well, there is a certain criterion that leads to the approval of the NSFAS program. If you have all the following qualities only then you can get the confirmation letter from NSFAS.
- The National Student Financial Aid Scheme is only desirable for students who are hard-working and have good academic grades. For such students who are from a poor family background but still want to continue their studies then NSFAS approve their application and gives them the confirmation letter.
- For that, you need to give proof of all your results, income source, and payslips in order to get approval from the NSFAS funding program.
- Once the NSFAS finds you are qualified enough for the program then they dispatch the confirmation letter to the student.
Steps To Get a Confirmation Letter
Once you are confirmed about your approval then you need to follow the below steps in order to get the NSFAS confirmation letter.
- You can get the NSFAS confirmation letter via your Email. When your application will be approved you will get the confirmation message in your Email so, you need to open that confirmation letter, download it and print it out.
- Secondly, you can get the confirmation letter from MyNSFAS Student Portal. You have to log in to your My NSFAS account and navigate the track funding letter. Download a copy of that funding letter for admission purposes.
Proof of Funding Letter | NSFAS Approval
Many people doubt NSFAS funding even after their application is accepted. If you have applied for an NSFAS application and you want to make sure that you are selected for the program and you will get funds then you should do the following steps so that you can get your confirmation letter.
- Firstly, you have to visit the official website of NSFAS, which is Enter the website and log in to credentials where you need to enter your ID number and password.
- Sometimes people forget the password so you can click on “forget password” to continue the procedure.
- Your second step will be to navigate to track funding in order to confirm your approval.
How do I download my NSFAS statement online?
In order to download your NSFAS statement online you can log in to your account. Enter the required details (cell phone number, ID, password). Now, click more, and check all the transactions where you will be able to view NSFAS transactions too.
Can you send documents of NSFAS via email?
Yes, you can send your NSFAS documents via Email but it is better that you take a scan of the documents, print them and send them to NSFAS through fax. The fax number of NSFAS is 086 644 2822.
What is my NSFAS student portal?
The NSFAS student portal is basically the online platform where you can check your applied status. For all the online tasks and information, you can check the NSFAS student portal, which includes fee payments, application, application status, registration, etc.
Which email to use for NSFAS?
For sending an Email to NSFAS or to get the details regarding the confirmation letter you can use the official Email i-e [email protected]. Click on this Email and you will get all the required information.
Now, I hope that all your confusion related to the NSFAS confirmation letter is cleared. The method that I told in this article of how to get an NSFAS confirmation letter is quite simple. You can simply follow similar steps to get your funding letter in order to get a higher level of education.
Firstly, you need to make sure that you are selected for this program and after that, you can get an NSFAS confirmation letter through your Email or MyNSFAS Student Portal.